Ver. 24. Every place whereon the soles of your feet shall tread i.e. Within the compass of the bounds here marked out, and so long as you fulfil the condition mentioned, ver. 22.

REFLECTIONS.—1st, The way to conquest was obedience. On this depended their strength; for then the mighty God would be their helper; and thus also they would secure long possession, which else they would quickly forfeit. Note; Sin shortens the days of the wicked, and causes the lands to cast out their inhabitants. 2. On their obedience also the fertility of their land depended. Canaan was not like Egypt, which had the Nile cut into innumerable canals, from whence the ground was watered; but owed its fruitfulness to the descending rains, which God would cause to descend plentifully upon them, and make them overflow with corn, and wine, and oil. Note; (1.) Mercies coming from the immediate hand of God are doubly sweet. (2.) Godliness has the promise of the life that now is. (3.) The more we enjoy from God's gift, the more bound we are to live to God's glory. 3. The consequences of their disobedience would be the very reverse of all this. If they turned aside to idols, the wrath of God would be kindled against them, and they would be utterly consumed from the good land, and the land itself be left desolate, under the curse of God; the fulfilment of which is this day most visible, it being now a very barren spot, and almost without inhabitants. Note; They who will not be influenced by God's mercies, will sink under his judgments.

2nd, Though the directions in this chapter had been given before, they were no vain repetitions; all was little enough for their admonition. 1. They are charged to lay up these words in their memories, and to embrace them with cordial affection; to place them ever in their view, that they may not be forgotten, and to be talking of them at home and abroad, making them matter of constant instruction to their children, and of familiar converse with their friends. Note; When the heart is filled with the knowledge and love of God's word, the lips will ever be bringing forth that good conversation which ministers grace to the hearers. 2. The blessing assured them is certain possession of the land of Canaan, an enlargement of their borders to Euphrates, with an abiding inheritance for their children; and security from all their foes; whom a holy awe should restrain from daring to molest them. Note; (1.) Religion stamps a reverence on its professors, which keeps their enemies in awe of them. (2.) Godliness transmitted with our possessions, is the surest means to perpetuate them in our families.

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