Coke's Commentary on the Holy Bible
Deuteronomy 28:13
Ver. 13. The Lord shall make thee the head, and not the tail,— A proverbial method of speaking, which the following words explain: "You shall rule over other nations, but other nations shall not rule over you." Such was the happy lot of the people of Israel under the reigns of David and Solomon. To shew them that their prosperity depended upon their obedience, it is added in the next verse, thou shalt not go aside, &c.
REFLECTIONS.—God delights in the prosperity of his people, and to bless them he rejoiceth; whilst vengeance is his strange work. Happy for them, if, sensible of his goodness, they are enabled to walk so as not to provoke his displeasure.
1. God propounds to them the condition on which all their happiness depended; and that was, serious attention to his revealed will, faithful and persevering obedience to his commands, and, particularly, careful watchfulness not to turn aside after idols. As long as we are found waiting upon God in his ways, so long we may be assured he will meet and bless us.
2. The blessings promised are most engaging, great, and glorious, spiritual and temporal; and, no doubt, look farther, even to eternal blessedness: [1.] outward prosperity and affluence are promised them. (1.) In dignity, they should excel all nations. Wealth, like a river, should flow in upon them; so that the nations around should borrow of them, and be in subjection to them. Victory should constantly attend their standards; their enemies in fear bow down and lick the dust before them, and be forced to own God's distinguishing regard for them. Note; They, who have God for their friend, will surely at last have their enemies at their feet. (2.) God's blessing is promised on them in all places, and in all undertakings. In the city, peace, plenty, and riches in their traffic, should abound. In the field, their labour should be crowned with success beyond their most sanguine wishes, and their barns and vats overflow with corn and wine. In their journey, their persons should be protected, and their undertakings prosperous, under the constant care of a Covenant-God. Note; They who have an eye to God in all they take in hand, and keep him in their mind in all their travels, will find his blessings still preventing and following them. (3.) Uncommon fruitfulness is assured them. Their families should increase as a flock, and there should be no want of a portion and provision for them. Their sheep and oxen should multiply exceedingly; their fields stand thick with corn, watered from heaven with peculiar care; and, when gathered in, still God's blessing should be upon their stores, preserving them from damage and accidents, and giving them the most comfortable enjoyment of their possessions. Thus every earthly bliss, health, wealth, honour, children; in short, all that heart could wish, is promised as their portion. Note; Those who have an interest in God's love, may be assured that they shall want no manner of thing that is good. If the Gospel directs us rather to spiritual and eternal, than temporal blessings; yet it assures us that these shall, in a measure, be added to those who seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. [2.] Spiritual mercies are promised them. They, who are faithful to that measure of grace which they receive, shall grow in grace. (1.) God engages to establish them in holiness, to keep them a people separate for himself, and to bless them with his ordinances for their increasing sanctification. Note; Holiness is God's work in us: we are called to obey his godly motions; and when we do so, he is pleased to reward what he has wrought, by strengthening, establishing, and settling us. (2.) Their religious character should engage the reverence and respect of the nations around them. The evident regard of God to them would be confessed by their enemies; and therein a clear acknowledgment be made of their superior happiness and felicity, arising from his favour and love. Spiritual happiness is the best of portions; and they who have the Lord for their God possess a joy, which, though the stranger intermeddles not with, he will be forced to own is the only real felicity under the sun.