Ver. 40. For I lift up my hand to heaven, &c.— If this verse is to be understood in connection with the foregoing, the meaning is, "For it is mine, and mine alone, (contrary to all those base idols, and false gods, whose vanity you approve,) to lift up my hand to heaven, i.e. in the most solemn manner to attest, that I live for ever, am the only self-existent and eternal God." If the words are to be taken in connection with the next verse, the meaning is, "If I lift up my hand to heaven and say, I live for ever; i.e. if I solemnly swear by myself, and by my own existence, to this purpose, that if I whet my glittering sword, &c. then I will render vengeance to mine enemies; no power shall be able to stop my proceedings. אם im, rendered if, If I whet, &c, may be rendered when." See Noldius. What we render glittering sword, is in the Hebrew the lightning of my sword, which expresses the swiftness, power, and terror of God's judgments. Zechariah 9:14.Ezekiel 21:10. See Lowth, Prael. 17: p. 110.

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