Ver. 4. The Lord talked with you face to face See Exodus 33:11.

REFLECTIONS.—Moses summons the people, as many as could come within hearing, to attend the charge that he was farther to deliver; and needful it was, that they should thoroughly know what they were so solemnly bound to obey. He calls upon them to hear the statutes, moral, ceremonial, and judicial, which God delivered in Horeb, when he talked to them face to face with an astonishing familiarity; and where, they consenting to God's commands, a covenant was established between them, wherein God engaged to be their God to bless them, and they to be his servants to obey him, whilst Moses, as mediator, stood between them. Note; (1.) There can be no covenant between God and the soul, but through the one mediator Jesus Christ, whom Moses prefigured. (2.) The promises of the covenant engage our hearts to all holy obedience. (3.) There is not only a common obligation lying upon believers to be obedient, because it is their duty; but, as interested in the covenant, a peculiar one, because they profess it to be their choice.

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