As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit— As thou knowest not which way the wind will blow, nor how the bones are formed in the womb of her who is with child; even so thou knowest not the work of God, who shall do all this; Ecclesiastes 11:6 therefore sow thy seed, &c. The morning and evening, possibly, may signify the early and late season, according to Symmachus's notion, which may very well agree with the original, Sow thy corn both early and late; do not desist, &c. The second precept contained in these two verses, and which has a retrospect both to the first and second proposition, as appears by comparing it with the conclusion drawn from both, ch. Ecclesiastes 6:10 stands thus: since it is not possible for men to find out the ways of God, and fully to discover whereunto our works and occupations shall tend, by the appointment of Him who is the author of every thing which happens; they must be satisfied to bestow their time and trouble upon that which it appears (by the circumstances wherein they are placed by him) it was his design they should; leaving the success to himself, who alone can tell what it will be, having kept it entirely within his own disposal.

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