For this cause, &c.— This chapter throws back a great light on those which precede, and more clearly opens the design of this epistle: for St. Paul here in plain words tells the Ephesians that he was by particular favour and appointment ordained a preacher of the doctrine which was a mystery till now, being hid from former ages; namely, that the Gentiles should be co-heirs with the believing Jews, and, making one body or people with them, should be equally partakers of the promises under the Messiah. Whereupon he exhorts them not to be dismayed, or to depart in the least from the belief or profession of this truth, upon his being persecuted and in bonds on that account; for his suffering for it, who was the preacher and propagator of it, was so far from being a just discouragement to them from standing firmly in the belief of it, that it ought to be to them a glory, and a confirmation of this eminent truth of the gospel which he peculiarly taught: and thereupon he tells them he makes it his prayer to God that they may be strengthened herein, and be able to comprehend the extent of the love of God in Christ; not confined to the Jewish nation and constitution, as the Jews imagined, but far surpassing the thoughts of those, who, presuming on their own knowledge, would confine it to such only aswere members of the Jewish church, and observers of their ceremonies.

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