Till we all come, &c.— "Till all of us, whether Jews or Gentiles, that are faithful members of this mystical body of Christ (including those who now do, and hereafter shall perseveringly believe, in successive generations to the end of the world,) shall meet, and be cemented together in an entire agreement about the doctrines of faith, in the sweetest harmony, union,and oneness, by means of the same faith in Christ; and of a clear, affectionate, and fiducial knowledge, and (επιγνωσεως) approving acknowledgment of the eternal Son of God, as a divine person, and the only Lord and Saviour; and so, by gradually improving in gifts and graces, shall, at length, arrive at a state of complete manhood in spiritual understanding, vigour, strength, and attainments of every valuable kind, even unto the full proportion of that mature age and spiritual stature in Christ, which he designs for his faithful people, and which is acquired by derivation from his mediatorial fulness, and makes up the fulness of his faithful mystical body under him, as its head, with regard to the perfection of its graces, comfort, and holiness." Dr. Heylin renders this verse as follows: Till we all become united in the faith and knowledge of the Son of God, grow up to maturity, and arrive at the measure of perfection to which the fulness that is in Christ will raise. See ch. Ephesians 3:19.

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