Who is like unto thee, O LORD, among the gods?— The sacred Writer here refers to those gods of Egypt, over whom Jehovah had now so gloriously triumphed; and one of the great ends of whose miracles in Egypt was, doubtless, to assert his Supremacy, and to shew his superiority over all local and false deities. See Bishop Sherlock's Discourses, vol. 1: dis. 10: p. 280, &c.

Fearful in praises That is, (say some,) "who cannot, and who ought not, to be praised without religious awe:" or, (as others,) "fearful in, or by, the most excellent and praise-worthy actions;" the abstract bring used for the concrete. So, Philippians 4:8 if there be any praise; i.e. any thing praise-worthy.

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