They looked toward the wilderness, and—the glory of the Lord, &c.— It would seem, from this expression, as if the pillar of cloud was now removed to some distance from them; or perhaps it appeared not when they were stationed, being visible only when it conducted them in their marches: or, if it did constantly appear, the phrase toward the wilderness must here mean toward the front of their army.

REFLECTIONS.—Fresh difficulties produce fresh murmurs. We have here,

1. The despairing impatience of the people for want of bread. Their provision being exhausted, they see nothing but death before them, and charge Moses as the murderer. What! had God so eminently spared their lives, to bring them to their graves in the wilderness? And had Moses any concern at heart but their good? Yet so deaf are they to reason, that they basely wish to be in Egypt again, though they should die there under the plague. Astonishing perverseness! Note; (1.) Discontent usually vilifies what it has, and magnifies what it loses. (2.) It is a great aggravation of our mistrusts, when we have experienced much mercy, and are promised so much greater in store.

2. The displeasure God shews against them. He heard their murmurings, and regarded their complaints against his servants as a charge against himself. Let those who find fault with God's ministers remember, that they but deliver the message, and that to be displeased with them is to fly in the face of their Master.
3. The gracious supply, of which God first informs Moses. Himself, appearing in the cloud to put honour upon his servants, commands him to promise that to-morrow he would give bread for their hosts. God knows our wants, and will not suffer us to be destitute of any manner of thing which is needful for us; though, alas! many pretend to trust God with their souls for heaven, and yet, like Israel, distrust his providing bread for their bodies in the way thither.

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