Jethro—took a burnt-offering— Hence it plainly appears, that Jethro was a priest of the true God; and that burnt-offerings, which were to be wholly consumed upon the altar, (Leviticus 1:9.) and sacrifices or peace-offerings, of which the people, as well as the priests, partook, (Leviticus 15:33.) were in general use among believers before the giving of the law. See Genesis 4:4. To eat bread, signifies to partake of the sacrifice. Before God means, either before the place where the Shechinah now appeared; or, if this visit was after the erection of the tabernacle, (as some commentators suppose,) it signifies, before the face of God's special presence there; see ch. Exodus 16:33. Or, before God may signify, as in Daniel 6:10 before God spiritually considered, in a religious regard to the Divine Presence: Daniel kneeled in his house, and prayed, and gave thanks before his God. The expression, however, האלהים לפני lipeni haelohim, before the face, or faces of Elohim, is, most probably, derived from the Divine appearance in the cloudy pillar, and from thence in the sanctuary. See note on Genesis 3:24.

REFLECTIONS.—Moses meets his father with affection and respect; for though he is become great, he is not become proud with it. As his heart is full of God's mercy, he begins immediately, on the first salutation, to recount God's dealings. Note; It is our duty, and should be our delight, to tell of the things God hath done for our souls, for the encouragement and comfort of our brethren. Jethro is happy at the news, and blesses God for it. We must thus ever rejoice in the felicity of God's chosen, and give God the glory due to his name. And hereupon he makes a solemn profession of his faith in Israel's God, convinced of his greatness above all the powers of man, as well as above the enchantments of Egypt and her idols. In token of his faith he offers sacrifice to God, and entertains all the elders of Israel. Though not an Israelite born, yet he was by faith of the Israel of God. Note; It is well when friends meet, not only to welcome them to our board, but to bring them to the altar. Our meetings will be joyful, and our feasts sanctified, when the word of God, and christian conversation, and praise, and prayer, are our employment.

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