The first of the first-fruits, &c— See ch. Exodus 22:29. This command refers to the first-fruits to be offered at the several festivals, when they were settled in the land of Canaan.

Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk This extraordinary command is repeated, ch. Exodus 34:26 and Deuteronomy 14:21 and in the same connexion as here, with the payment of first-fruits; which would naturally lead one to suppose, that it has some reference to the payment of those fruits, and to some superstitious practices which the pagans might have used on these occasions. Agreeably to this conjecture, Dr. Cudworth, in his treatise on the Lord's Supper, informs us, that he learnt, from the comment of an ancient Karaite upon the Pentateuch, that a superstitious rite prevailed among the ancient idolaters, of seething a kid in its mother's milk, when they had gathered in all their fruits; and sprinkling the trees, and fields, and gardens, with the broth, after a magical manner, to make them more fruitful for the following year. Spenser observes on this passage, that "the Zabii use this kind of magical milk, to sprinkle their trees and fields, in hopes of plenty." Some are, moreover, of opinion, that this is a precept of humanity, and, like many other of the divine laws, intended to prevent all cruelty, and to inculcate a mild and tender disposition. See Leviticus 22:28. Deuteronomy 22:6 which last law, respecting a bird and her young, is evidently a law of humanity, as well as many others in that same chapter.

REFLECTIONS.—Three solemn feasts are enjoined, the passover, pentecost, and the feast of tabernacles. They must at these seasons all appear, not empty-handed, but with their oblations, and rejoice together before the Lord. Note; 1. God will have his people happy. 2. Grateful acknowledgments of God's mercies are our bounden duty. 3. All superstitious usages, such as that mentioned, Exodus 23:19 must be banished.

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