A gift blindeth the wise— See Ecclesiastes 7:7. The margin of our Bibles renders, very properly, the Hebrew word, translated the wise in the text, the seeing. Houbigant, from the Samaritan and others, adds the word eyes; a gift blindeth the open, or seeing eyes. The law of the twelve tables made the transgressors in this instance guilty of death; "the judge, who shall be convicted of receiving money in any cause, shall be punished with death."

REFLECTIONS.—Observe here, 1. False accusation is forbidden: not only by perjury, but, in the secondary sense, by every scandal propagated in common conversation. Note; To speak evil of any man behind his back, or to hear it without vindicating the injured and the absent, is to be guilty of a great act of injustice, as well as uncharitableness. 2. Every judge must act from conscience, and not be influenced by any consideration of the might or multitude of those who may be against him. It is generally bad following the multitude: they who go with the crowd infallibly perish. 3. No pity for a poor man must prevent the due execution of justice against him. 4. Kindness must be shewn to enemies, in helping their beast when fallen, or bringing it back, if gone astray. Note; To love, and be kind to those who hate us, is no new commandment. 5. The poor must have justice done them. It is bad enough to be poor, they ought not to be oppressed too. 6. All approach to injustice must be guarded against. They who would keep from evil must abstain from the appearance of it. 7. No bribe must be taken; justice must be administered freely as well as impartially. 8. The stranger must not be oppressed: this is enforced upon them, from having experienced themselves in Egypt the disadvantages which strangers labour under. Similarity of distresses should teach us compassion.

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