According to all— This verse might be rendered, more intelligibly perhaps, And ye shall make all things, according to the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all the instruments thereof, which I shall shew you; see Exodus 25:40 and Hebrews 8:5. This verse, as well as that at the close of the chapter, seems to supply us with an abundant confutation of their opinion, who hold, that these sacred utensils, and, indeed, the whole Jewish ritual, were modelled after the pattern of Egyptian or other heathen usages. See particularly Saurin's 54th Dissertation.

REFLECTIONS.—Moses begins to receive from God directions for the tabernacle which should be erected, as the palace for the King of Glory.

1. The people must furnish him with the materials, and that by a free-will offering. Whatever we have, it is the Lord's; and whenever his service and glory require it, most readily should we open our heart and hand. A true christian needs no argument to extort his liberality in God's cause: not only to his power, but above his power he is willing.

2. The exact pattern must be followed, which God would shew him. In God's service we must beware of will-worship, and be guided by his revealed word.
3. We have the design of this tabernacle, i.e. for God's dwelling, there to manifest his presence in the midst of them, and travel with them as their King and their Leader through the wilderness. This tabernacle was typical of the incarnation of the Lord Jesus: he was the true tabernacle, he dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory. In him was the fulness of the Godhead bodily; and he still makes the hearts of his people the throne of his sanctuary, reigning in them and over them, and subduing before them all their enemies.
4. All their oblations are to be offered there; and these they must inquire after him, as at the place where his honour dwelleth. Note; All our prayers and services are only then acceptable with God, when they are presented in and through the Lord Jesus Christ.

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