All that are wise-hearted, whom I have filled with the spirit of wisdom— These two clauses depend one upon the other: the meaning is, all the wise in heart, whom I have made so, by filling them with the spirit of wisdom. Spirit, in the Hebrew, is often used for an affection or quality of the mind; as Numbers 5:14 the spirit of jealousy: Isaiah 19:14 a perverse spirit. The Hebrews were accustomed to consider God, most justly, as the Author of all wisdom, and the Giver of every good gift: to him, therefore, they justly ascribed every useful invention and every beneficial art; see Isaiah 28:26. Le Clerc has well observed, that Seneca (in his 4th Book, De Beneficiis) has a fine sentiment to the same purpose: "It is God who has invented so many arts; for those things which we invent are no more our own than the increase of our bodies. As the secret kind of God has implanted seeds in the body, whereby it springs up to a proper growth in all the stages of life; so he has implanted in the minds of men the seeds of all arts, and, being the great Master, calls them forth as he pleases."

To consecrate him See an account of this consecration in the next chapter.

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