For Moses had said, Consecrate yourselves— Heb. Fill your hands: see the note on ch. Exodus 29:9. The reading of the margin of our Bibles, (And Moses said, Consecrate yourselves to-day to the Lord, because every man hath been against his sin, and against his brother,) as it is nearest to the Hebrew, so is it most agreeable to the context: and as, for this and other marks of zeal, the tribe of Levi was consecrated to the Lord, or, according to the Hebrew expression, filled their hands with his offerings; so, doubtless, this verse refers to that consecration, as will appear very evident from Deuteronomy 33:9. Moved by that important maxim of religious patriotism, that all private considerations must give place to those of a public nature, the sons of Levi seem to have forgotten their nearest and dearest attachments in the cause of God; proving themselves worthy of him, as not loving father or mother more than God, Matthew 10:35; a fortitude, which, while some admire in a Brutus, a Timoleon, a Pausanias, and other the greatest heroes of antiquity, let them not condemn in these Israelites; especially since God, the best Judge of moral actions, rewarded what they did with a distinguished blessing.

REFLECTIONS.—Moses now turns to the people, and not by words, but deeds, testifies his indignation.

1. They were now become exposed to God's judgments, and the swords of their enemies. Sin is the nakedness of the soul; and if that be not covered by the blood and merit of a Redeemer, the sword of God's wrath will surely find us out.
2. Vengeance is executed on the ringleaders. Moses stands and charges those who are on God's side to come to him: the sons of Levi obey. They gird on their swords, pass at Moses's command through the camp, and consecrate themselves to God in the blood of the rebels. Note; (1.) We must side either with God, or with the world and the devil; and it highly concerns us to inquire whose interests we support, and whose banners we fight under. (2.) They were fearless of danger. Those who would minister before God in a sinful world, have need of fortitude. (3.) They met no resistance. Guilt makes men cowards: the very presence of a godly man strikes an evident awe upon them.

3. Three thousand fell. The morning opened with shouts of joy; the evening closed with dying groans. Such changes do divine judgments suddenly make. Tremble, thou joyous sinner, at the sword which threatens to descend, and turn thy mirth into never-ending misery!

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