And it came to pass, &c.— The best account which can be given of the extraordinary event here related, is, that Moses having deferred the circumcision of one of his sons, perhaps out of compliance with his wife; God was highly offended with him for such neglect; not only, because Moses knew that no child could be admitted a member of the Jewish community, nor be entitled to the blessings of God's covenant with that people, without circumcision; but also because his example was of great consequence: for who would have regarded the law, if the law-giver himself had neglected it? Zipporah, therefore, conscious of her husband's danger, as well as of her own defect, hastened immediately, and herself performed the office upon her son: in consequence of which, the cause being removed, God's anger also ceased; and he suffered Moses to pursue his journey. The original word, which we render inn, signifies only a place of rest (diversorium), where they lodged for that night; for there were no inns, properly so called, in that part of the world. The sharp stone which she used, rendered knife in the margin of our Bibles, is supposed to have been a knife made of flint; which, we have many testimonies from ancient writers, was a species of knives commonly made use of in those days.

Learn from this account, 1. How dangerous is absence from the people of God, and the means of grace. 2. How apt we are to yield to the foolish fondness of others, even to the offending of God. 3. That God's people will not escape his anger, when they offend him. 4. When we have neglected duty, we must return to it without delay. 5. The removal of our sins will usually alleviate or remove our judgments. 6. We must be content to bear reproach in God's service.

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