And his stairs— And its ascent. Ezekiel 43:21. He shall burn it] It shall be burnt.

REFLECTIONS.—1st, The temple was great and glorious, but infinitely greater the glory of the divine Inhabitant, who condescended there to take up his abode.

1. The same bright vision which had before been seen by the prophet, again appears from the east. It was the glory of the God of Israel; like many waters his voice was heard far off, his gospel having spread into distant lands, and the earth shined with his glory; his church, as the moon, reflecting the lustre that she has borrowed from him the Sun of righteousness.

2. This glory of God filled the house; and when the prophet in humble adoration had fallen prostrate on the earth, the Spirit took him up, and brought him to the inner court, to behold God's glory, and receive his instructions; and the man, Christ Jesus, stood by him; for through him alone can we hold communion with God, or hear his voice with comfort.

2nd, God, having taken possession of his temple, admonishes them of the obligations lying upon them, to be more faithful to him than, they had ever yet been.
1. They had formerly grievously offended, and had been deservedly punished. They and their kings had been gross idolaters, and worshipped on the high places. They had corrupted the service of the sanctuary by their own inventions; had even dared to erect their idols and altars in that sacred place; and by such abominations had provoked God's wrath and indignation against them. Note; They who faithlessly depart from God, provoke him to take up the scourge, and to plague them for their offences.

2. He calls on them to repent, and graciously promises on that condition to make them such as he would have them be. They must put away their whoredoms, their idolatrous services, and the carcases of their kings; which some suggest were buried in or near the house of God; or perhaps the idols themselves are meant, as loathsome in God's sight as a putrid corpse in ours; and in order to induce them hereunto, the prophet must shew them the house, that a sense of the mercy which God hath in store for them may work upon their hearts, and his goodness lead them to repentance; and if they expressed shame and confusion on the view of their past conduct, then he must go farther, and give them a more distinct view of the glorious fabric and all its parts; and give them in writing all the ordinances thereof, that they may keep them and do them. And while God is thus using the strongest motives, he promises to make them effectual to every penitent, believing soul. They shall defile my name no more; yea, he will engage their hearts to his blessed self, and, in consequence thereof, dwell in the midst of them for ever, yea, with all his faithful people, as their God. Note; (1.) When we begin to return to God, every step we take will give us fresh reason for deeper humiliation and self-loathing. (2.) They who are restored to God's favour, will above all things desire to walk henceforth in his ways.

3. The law of God's house is declared; not only the sanctuary, but the whole mountain is now most holy; no veil in the gospel church excludes the believer, but by the blood of Jesus we have boldness to enter into the holiest, Hebrews 10:19 and are called upon as his disciples to perfect holiness in the fear of God.

3rdly, We have,
1. The altar: typical of the Lord Jesus, through whom all our sacrifices find acceptance with God; and the sinner who flies to the horns of this altar shall find a sure refuge from fear of evil.

2. The consecration of the altar, and the service to be performed on it, which God promises to accept. Christ, by offering his own blood as the atonement, has consecrated himself as the altar, and every believer is now a spiritual priest, ordained to offer spiritual sacrifices thereon, acceptable and well-pleasing to God through him.

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