Ver. 1. Ezra the son of Seraiah He calls himself here, according to the Hebrew idiom, the son of Seraiah, who was the high-priest that Nebuchadnezzar caused to be slain at the taking of Jerusalem, 2 Kings 25:18; 2 Kings 25:30.; but had he been his real son, he must then have been at least one hundred and thirty-two years old, supposing him to have been an infant when his father died; and so wholly unfit for such a journey and employment: whereas we find him capable of reading the Scriptures to the people from morning till noon, one whole week; and of assisting Nehemiah in his office thirteen years after, when he must have been at least one hundred and forty-five years old; but since he there also calls Azariah the son of Meraioth, though it appears from 1 Chronicles 6:7; 1 Chronicles 6:81 that there were six descendants between them, it becomes very probable that he may himself have been some descents off Seraiah, though it does not appear how many.

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