And there was a famine, &c.— It was a discouraging providence, to be in the land of promise, and so soon to be driven out of it by famine. It required strong faith to weather these trials. Severe temptations are usually the portion of the believer; and they are permitted, that the trial of his faith may be found much more precious than gold, 1 Peter 1:7. And now where should he go? Back again, would Nature say. No, says Grace; forward. AEgypt was near him, and thither he directs his course. Note; 1. It is our duty to use means for relief in every distress, 2. Never to use forbidden ones. Still he is but a sojourner. Since God had given him the promise of Canaan, he will not take up his abode elsewhere. Though for a time we may be separated from our home, our hearts will be upon it wherever we are.

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