Sons-in-law, which married his daughters— These must either have been daughters of Lot, different from those mentioned in Genesis 19:8 or we must understand the Hebrew, as many versions have done, as expressing only a future marriage, a betrothing; sons-in-law, who were to have married [were betrothed to] his daughters. The Hebrew is indeterminate, לקחי locchi, taking, sons-in-law taking his daughters. I should rather imagine, that this latter is the sense of the passage, who were taking, or about to take his daughters in marriage, as no other daughters of Lot are mentioned in Scripture than the two spoken of, Genesis 19:8; Genesis 19:30. and as we can hardly imagine, that any of his children were consumed in the destruction of Sodom.

Observe in the foregoing verses, 1. The command given Lot, to bring out all he could persuade of his relations from the ruin. Note; Those who are themselves awakened to a sense of their danger, must use their utmost efforts to persuade others to fly with themselves from the wrath to come.

2. Lot's haste to inform his sons-in-law. Up, get you out. Abrupt and urgent; bespeaking his solicitude, their danger, and the necessity of immediate compliance. Note; (1.) Ministers cannot be too warm and urgent in their addresses to sinners' consciences. (2.) They who are in jeopardy every hour, have not a moment to trifle with.

3. Their reception of him. They thought him mad or melancholy, and laughed at his fears. Note; (1.) Many now laugh at hell, who will shortly wail there, and that eternally. (2.) To mock at God's warnings, is the way to hasten his judgments. Such mockers still are found. (3.) It is no uncommon thing for despisers of the Gospel to treat the ministers of it as enthusiasts or melancholic.

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