There was Abraham buried, &c.— Here concludes the sacred history of Abraham. It is remarkable, that such was the veneration of a great part of the world for the memory of this venerable patriarch, that Jews, Arabians, and Indians, have united after their manner to embellish his history with numberless fictions, which the curious reader may find recounted in the Universal History, vol. 3: p. 271. 8vo. edit. The Mussulmen have so great a veneration for the place of Abraham's burial, that they make it one of their four pilgrimages, the three others being that of Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem. The Christians built a church over the cave, which the Turks afterwards turned into a mosque.

REFLECTIONS.—Having brought the patriarch with glory to the end of the days of his pilgrimage, we have here the conclusion.

1. His last marriage, and perhaps the most fruitful.
2. His disposal of his goods among his children. Isaac is his heir, and the son of his house: as the promises are entailed upon him, he has the first and great portion; the rest have each a portion bestowed on them, and are sent to settle eastward, where they too became a great people: thus fulfilling the promise made to Abraham. Note; (1.) In the disposition of our effects to our children, we should be careful there may be no disputes when we are dead. (2.) It is lawful for every parent to distinguish those of his children, who he has reason to think will make the best use of their portion.

3. His death. Full of days; after a long life and happy old age, the taper of life burnt out, rather than extinguished, he is gathered to his fathers. Note; Death is the way of all flesh: it is happy for those who, by it, are gathered to Abraham their father.

4. His burial by his two sons, Isaac and Ishmael. They were now reconciled, and with filial duty lay him by the side of his beloved Sarah. Note; They who have lived together in love, may innocently desire to lie together in the grave, especially when heirs together of the grace of life, and expectants of a glorious resurrection.

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