He died in the presence— In the Hebrew it is, he, or it fell: some therefore think, that it refers to the lot or inheritance of Ishmael: and his lot fell, or lay in the presence or midst of all his brethren. The LXX and Onkelos render it, he dwelt, agreeably to what is foretold, ch. Genesis 16:12. to which we refer. I humbly believe the translation last mentioned is the best. Houbigant very judiciously observes, that the plural word rendered they dwelt, at the beginning of the verse, should be read in the singular, he dwelt, as the discourse is only concerning Ishmael: the Seventy have it in the singular. Thus the whole is clear, and the prophecies exactly fulfilled: Genesis 25:17. Ishmael died; and when living, he dwelt from Havilah, &c. In the last clause the "and" is redundant, and is not in the Hebrew, he dwelt in the presence of all his brethren.

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