Then Isaac sowed, &c.— Continuing a long time in the land, Genesis 26:8 he applied himself to husbandry, for his own and his family's support; and that God, whose blessing maketh rich the hand of the diligent, crowned his labours with very great increase, in proof of his regard to his promise, and to shew Isaac that he lost nothing by not going into AEgypt. The expression of an hundred fold is indefinite, and expresses a very great increase. Indeed God's benediction was not confined to the fruit of his fields: in every respect the Divine Providence prospered him; insomuch that the Philistines, among whom he sojourned, saw and envied his felicity: an emblem of human life! And to indicate their malice, as much as was in their power, they stopped up all the wells which his father had digged, and which was an act of high inhumanity in those dry countries, where wells were of so great consequence.

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