He called it Sheba, &c.— As the wells which Abraham dug had been stopped up, most probably the names of them also had been forgotten. Isaac, therefore, in similar circumstances, and from a similar event, revives that name of the well, Sheba, which his father had given it many years before. See ch. Genesis 21:31. The Authors of the Universal History observe ingeniously, that it is not improbable, but the discovery of this new well might lead Isaac into an allusion to a third meaning of the word שׁבע shebang, which signifies not only to swear, and seven, but likewise to satisfy, or satiate; whereby he might intimate, that he had wells enough, and would rest satisfied. Houbigant is strongly for this sense, translating sheba abundantiam, abundance, sufficiency, and in this he also follows the Vulgate. From what is contained between Genesis 21:16; Genesis 21:23, &c. it seems evident, that Beer-sheba did not lie in the land of the Philistines, but near it.

REFLECTIONS.—They who had sent Isaac away through envy, are now come to court his friendship. We have here, 1. Isaac's questioning the purpose of their visit. From the injuries he had received by the herdsmen of Abimelech, he had reason to be on his guard. Note; Though we must love our enemies, we must watch against their devices.

2. Their business: to invite him to reconciliation, and to a solemn league. They profess sincerity, acknowledge their conviction of God's favour to him, and therefore would fain make him their friend. Note; When the offending party seeks reconciliation, we should be ever ready to grant it.

3. Isaac consents, entertains them generously, confirms the league by oath, and they part in peace. Note; We must not insist upon past ill usage, when there is a prospect of present peace, but gladly embrace the favourable opportunity.

4. That day a new and copious well is found; so that all he parted with, is amply made up to him. Those who for peace' sake, or the truth's sake, lose a little, find perhaps at the end of the year, that they are gainers by the increase which God's blessing hath brought.

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