And Dinah the daughter of Leah, &c.— See note on Genesis 34:18 of the preceding chapter. Though we cannot ascertain the exact time of this fact, it must have been at least seven or eight years after Jacob's return to Canaan, as his sons were grown up to manhood. It has been supposed that Dinah's curiosity to see the daughters of the land was raised, especially by a festival which they were celebrating: Josephus asserts this. See Ant. lib. l. c. 20. The word rendered defiled in Genesis 34:2 intimates his violence as well as her dissent, says Bishop Kidder; as in Genesis 34:3 his speaking kindly shews his desire not only to comfort her, but to repair, as far as possible, the injury he had done.

REFLECTIONS.—Dinah was young, probably about sixteen, an only daughter, and therefore perhaps too much indulged, and, as is too often the case, proves a great trouble to her parents. She went out to see the daughters of the land at some entertainment, perhaps to learn their fashions and join in their amusements, not without some little vanity to figure as a stranger, and be seen of the sons of the land, as well as to visit the daughters. Note; Young people's vanity is generally their first snare; pleasure then opens the door of temptation, and passion, in some way or other, undoes them. Such was Dinah's case. How dangerous those places, and how pernicious those pleasures, where dance and song warm the passions, and nothing but opportunity and importunity are wanting for the ruin of every thoughtless maid? But though most wicked the deed, he does not, as many do, barely abandon the injured fair; he would repair the offence by marriage, and solicits his father's consent. Note; Though sin cannot be recalled before God, it is our duty to our utmost to make reparation to man. Tidings of it reach afflicted Jacob; he smothers his indignation, and waits to inform his sons of the dishonour done the family. Note; Let not a godly father think his lot hard or singular if such an unhappy step disturbs his family-quiet.

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