Genesis 39:1, &c.— And Joseph, &c.] Moses here resumes the history of Joseph, who, he informs us, was so particularly favoured by the Lord, that his blessing attended the house of Potiphar for Jacob's sake. Potiphar, sensible of this, and charmed with the goodness and fidelity of Joseph, raised him to the first place in his family, made him, Genesis 39:4 his overseer, his major domo, whom the Romans called atriensis, to whom all the other servants were to be obedient, and put all he had into his hands, Genesis 39:6 committed to him the management of all his household affairs; and he knew not ought he had, save the bread which he did eat; i.e.. secure in Joseph's fidelity, and relying on his care, he never scrutinized his affairs, but left them wholly to this honest and trusty young man. See Genesis 39:8.

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