For I fear God— As much as to say, I am influenced by a religious principle, though you might not expect it, in my place and station; and, as so influenced, cannot be guilty either of injustice or cruelty; on which account I will treat you with as much lenity as the suspicions I have urged will admit, detaining only one of you, and suffering the rest to carry corn for your house, and to verify your own account of yourselves.

REFLECTIONS.—Little thought the sons of Jacob who this great man was. Joseph is now forgotten with his dreams; and if alive, never could they expect to find him there. But Joseph knew them, though unknown; and as he had hitherto, no doubt, been kept by Divine direction from sending to inform them of his estate, he will, by concealing it still, make the accomplishment of his dreams more remarkable. His rough address, and his imprecation, terrify them, but his deeds still more. Their deep humiliations before him restrain not his severity; they are bound, and committed to safe custody as spies, that they might recollect themselves in the house of their prison, and repent over their own inhuman conduct; while their exculpation also informed him of those circumstances of his family, which, without discovering himself, he could not else have inquired into. At the end of three days they are released, on condition of bringing down their younger brother, as a proof of their sincerity; and he gives the reason of this clemency, because he feared God. Note; (1.) Where a man fears God, he cannot be unmerciful or unkind. (2.) Harsh providences are often attended with blessed effects. Obstinate diseases call for strong medicine.

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