Coke's Commentary on the Holy Bible
Hebrews 12:28-29
Wherefore, we receiving a kingdom, &c.— "As therefore we have received such an unshaken kingdom, which shall never be removed to make way for any different establishment, and which gives to the faithful the assurance of a reign in eternal glory; Let us see to it; that we have grace, whereby we may serve God, from whom we receive it, in an acceptable manner.—As that grace is so freely offered to us in the gospel, let us not be so wanting to ourselves as to fall short of it: and while we feel our heartsinspired with all that gratitude and confidence which suit the genius of so merciful a dispensation, let them be attempered with a becoming mixture of reverence and pious fear; that we may not, by an unworthy abuse of the gospel, deprive ourselves of its invaluable blessings, and sin beyond all possibility of further remedy: For though our God manifests himself in the beams of such mild majesty, he is still possessed of that tremendous power, which was so awfully displayed at mount Sinai, and will break forth as a consuming fire against all those who presumptuously violate his laws, and despise his gospel." See ch. Hebrews 4:16. Deuteronomy 4:23. Instead of let us have grace, Heylin, Sykes, &c. read, let us give thanks. Compare 2 Timothy 1:3.
Inferences.—How great is our encouragement to faith and patience! We have a cloud of eminent examples in the Old Testament saints, and the brightest of all in our suffering Lord and Saviour, to animate our running the Christian race through all difficulties till it be completed. In order hereunto, let us cast off every thing that would incumber us, and every sin which we are most liable to, and look to Jesus, the author and finisher of faith, for all assistances, victory, and triumph, that we may be conformable to him, who, for the joy which was set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and is now exalted to his throne. Our sufferings have not yet been unto death, as they might have been, and were in many of the antient worthies, and in our blessed Lord himself; and whatever they be, if we continue the children of God, they shall be all wisely and graciously over-ruled by our heavenly Father, for our amendment in this world. For what son is there whom the Father chastens not for his faults? But O how difficult is it to steer right between despising the chastenings of the Lord, and fainting under them! And with how much greater reverence and submission should we receive the corrections of the Father of our spirits, than can be due from children to their fathers of the flesh! Though such chastenings are in their own nature grievous, they are nevertheless profitable, to make us partakers of his holiness, and to produce the peaceable fruits of righteousness, for living to him here, and with him hereafter. How deeply concerned therefore ought we to be, that no afflictions may ever turn us aside from the way of God's testimonies, or make us halt in our holy profession; but that we may advance forward with vigour in the straight paths of truth and duty, and may be exemplary, and encouraging to others, under their fears, despondencies, and dangers! And what amiable companions are peace and holiness! These should be unitedly pursued: but if we cannot obtain peace, upon good terms with men, we should remember that holiness is absolutely necessary to the beatific vision and enjoyment of God. And how dreadful is it to fall short of his grace under the gospel dispensation! All principles and practices which lead to apostacy, will one way or other be a root of bitterness, and endanger infection to the church of Christ, whenever they break out. How should we dread the first beginnings of apostacy, lest at length it should run into all uncleanness, and profane contempt of every thing that is sacred, like Esau's despising and selling his birth-right, which could never be recovered! How terrible is the voice of the law, as delivered at mount Sinai, and as roaring in the consciences of awakened sinners! it spreads blackness and darkness through their souls; burns like a tormenting fire within them; overwhelms them like a horrible tempest; summons them, as with the sound of a trumpet, to appear at God's awful bar for judgment; and makes them dread to hear of any thing more of its rigorous terrors, which they know not how to bear. Yea, the holiest of men, like Moses himself, must tremble, when they think of God's infinite purity and unyielding justice, as considered only according to the tremendous revelation of them in his righteous law. But how encouraging, comforting, and glorious, are the discoveries and blessings of gospel grace! Here deliverance from the law and all its terrors, and the richest privileges, are set before condemned sinners; and believers in Jesus have free admission to all heavenly blessings with the New Testament church: for the living God dwells after a more spiritual and excellent manner in them, than ever he did in the temple on mount Sion, and in the beloved city of Jerusalem. They have delightful and beneficial communion by faith and love with innumerable myriads of holy angels; and with the spirits of departed saints, which are made perfect in happiness and holiness; yea, with the whole church triumphant in glory: and they have humble boldness of access to God, the Judge of the whole world, as they come by faith to him through the Mediator of the new covenant, under the sprinklings of his Blood, which speaks better things than the blood even of Abel's sacrifice. How should we rejoice and bless God for the gospel dispensation, which brings us to our only remedy against the terrors of the law, and to a happy communion with God and his Christ, angels, and saints! This is a constitution of a spiritual and heavenly nature, and is revealed and confirmed immediately from heaven by our blessed Lord, whose voice shook the earth in delivering the law at mount Sinai, and who made a most excellent revolution, which may be called his shaking heaven as well as earth, in setting aside the Mosaic dispensation, and introducing that of the gospel state in its stead. How firmly is this glorious dispensation of light and grace established, to continue without any change to the consummation of all things! It consists of such a spiritual church state, with respect to its worship and ordinances, privileges and blessings, as cannot be shaken. O with what spirituality and solemnity should we worship God according to this heavenly establishment! Though he is a reconciled God and Father in Christ to all sincere believers, he is a devouring fire to all neglecters and abusers of his grace, and particularly to all hypocrites, and all apostates, who finally fall from grace. How highly therefore does it concern us to receive, and hold fast the gospel of the kingdom with faith and love; and to have the genuine power of grace in our own souls; whereby we may be enabled to serve God acceptably, through Christ, with all devotional reverence of his sacred Majesty, and filial fear of offending him!
REFLECTIONS.—1st, Having proposed to them such bright examples, the apostle urges the Hebrews,
1. To imitate their faith, patience, and perseverance. Wherefore, seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, who, having finished the glorious course themselves, are now looking on our conduct, let us, animated by their examples, and roused to an imitation of their excellencies, lay aside every weight that would retard our speed, all inordinate attachment to earth and earthly things, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, that which from our circumstances, station in life, connections, and constitution, is ever soliciting our consent, and would ensnare our souls; particularly the great and capital sins, unbelief, pride, and lust, under whatever specious pretences they may appear; and let us run with patience, not discouraged at difficulties, nor fainting under temptation, but eager to finish the race that is set before us, and to win the glorious prize. Note; (1.) We have a race before us; the course is circumscribed by our mortal days; the word of God marks out our path; saints and angels are spectators; death is the goal, and glory the reward of fidelity. What services then can we refuse? What sufferings shall dismay us? (2.) Faith and patience are the mighty graces which can enable us to hold on, and to hold out, till we finish our course with joy.
2. The only way that in faith and patience we can persevere, is here described—Looking unto Jesus (αφορωντες), turning away our eyes from sin, the world, and every ensnaring object which would seduce our affections, and keeping him singly in our view, who is the author, and alone can be the finisher of our faith, by grace and strength derived from him, enabling us to follow his perfect pattern; who for the joy that was set before him, that God's perfections might be glorified, full satisfaction made to Divine justice, his faithful saints' eternal salvation secured, and himself, as Mediator, be crowned with glory and honour, endured the cross, with all its horrors, exercising the most astonishing patience and unshaken fortitude, despising the shame of that ignominious tree, and is now, in consequence thereof, sat down at the right hand of the throne of God, exalted to the highest dignity and majesty in the heavens. For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, compare your sufferings with his, the infinite disproportion between your persons and him; the invincible patience and undisturbed composure with which he bore every insult and torment; reflect upon this often and deeply, lest ye be weary and faint in your minds; and let the eye of faith, fixed on him, draw out of his fulness the needful supplies of strength to follow his blessed footsteps. Note; (1.) When we properly consider what the Son of God for our sakes freely endured, we shall be ashamed to complain of the comparatively trivial cross which we sustain, and boldly set our faces as a flint against all sufferings and reproaches, which for his sake we may be called to bear. (2.) Great and long-continued trials are apt to weary out our feeble minds, so that we are ready to sink under them: but Jesus is before us; he saith, Look unto me; and that reviving sight uncloses the dying eyes, re-animates the dejected spirit, rouses the fainting heart, and, inspired with renewed vigour, we run our heavenly race, made more than conquerors through his love.
2nd, In support of what he had said before, the apostle,
1. Suggests the most engaging arguments to persevere:
[1.] God had hitherto preserved them in life. Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin; and as he had not called them to the severest conflicts, it would be shameful indeed if they sunk under lesser trials. Note; (1.) Our warfare lies against sin, the deadly foe, who, if not vanquished, will destroy us body and soul for ever. We need be resolute, therefore, when our all is at stake. (2.) We are to acknowledge with thankfulness the kindness of our adored Lord, who proportions our trials to our strength.
[2.] The sufferings they had endured were the kind chastisements of a father's rod, however evil the instruments might be who were the immediate authors of them. And ye have forgotten, or Have ye forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children? My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord; neither, on the one hand, slighting the affliction, unsuitably affected thereby, or stubborn under the rod; nor, on the other, faint when thou art rebuked of him, sinking under unbelief, impatient under the trial, or overwhelmed with despair. For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth for their good, and scourgeth every sin whom he receiveth into the bosom of his love. If ye endure chastening, far from counting it a token of wrath, God herein dealeth with you as with sons, with the kindest intention of your correction and amendment: for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? There is no child of God but needs the gracious scourge; and our heavenly Father will not, like a foolishly fond parent, spare the needful stroke: But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all the true members of his family are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons: to be neglected, and not counted worth correction, would prove you to be an obstinate, rebellious people, whom God abandons to their own ways. Furthermore, we have had fathers of our flesh, which corrected us, and we gave them reverence, were in duty bound to submit to their paternal discipline, and to love them the more for their care in rebuking the evil that they discovered in us: shall we not much rather then be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, from whose immediate hand our immortal souls are derived; meekly submitting to him, whose authority over us is so much greater; and this, that we may live in a state of holy communion with him, and subjection to him, till he shall have purged out all our evil, and prepared us for a place in his better house above. For they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure; and much passion, self-will, and weakness, mingled with their corrections; but he, who is infinitely wise as well as boundless in love, scourges us for our profit, that, as the blessed issue of the afflictions which he is pleased to lay upon us, we might be partakers of his holiness, cleansed from the dross of corrupt affections, and renewed after his blessed image. Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous, and the flesh cannot but groan under the scourge: nevertheless, while faith supports us comfortably under the trial, we afterwards continually see cause to bless God for our suffering; since afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness, unto them which are exercised thereby; and we can say, by happy experience, it is good for me that I have been afflicted. Note; (1.) God's corrections must not be made light of on the one hand, nor should we on the other despair on account of them; but, humbling our souls under the mighty hand of the Lord, should patiently wait, in confidence that he will lift us up. (2.) God's chastisements are all sent out of pure love to his children; and therefore should be received with dutiful submission and lowly resignation. (3.) If we are bound to reverence our earthly parents, and submit to their often arbitrary and self-willed corrections, how much more should the chastisements of out heavenly Father be embraced with thankfulness, to whom we owe so much higher reverence; who never strikes without cause, and so wisely and graciously orders his afflictive dispensations in time, manner, and measure, as is exactly suited to our wants, and tends to our profiting. (4.) Far from judging of God's anger by the severity and length of our trials, we should rather from thence conclude that his love is great toward us. He visits that he may purge us thoroughly from our dross; and faith can make us rejoice even in the fires, under the confidence that peaceable fruits of righteousness will be produced out of those trials which to flesh and blood are most grievous.
2. He exhorts them not to faint or be disheartened, but to be vigorous in their Christian course. Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees; cast away every desponding fear, and press with eagerness to the goal, encouraging each other nobly to persevere in the face of every difficulty and danger, depending on Almighty Grace. And make straight paths for your feet, labouring to remove every obstacle at which yourselves or your brethren might stumble, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way of truth and righteousness, and the weak offended or perverted from the paths of godliness; but let it rather be healed, the feeble-minded supported, the disheartened encouraged, the weak confirmed, the fallen lifted up and restored again. Note; We should labour to be assisting to each other in our heavenly way, and attentive to the good of our brethren's souls, as to our own.
3. He particularly directs them what to pursue. Follow peace with all men, desiring earnestly to maintain it in every relation and with all persons, as far as is consistent with a good conscience; and holiness in heart and life and all manner of conversation, without which no man shall see the Lord, or be admitted to the beatific vision in glory everlasting. Note; Peace and holiness are essential to our hopes as Christians; we deceive ourselves if we think we can ever be saved, whilst enslaved by passion and vile affections.
4. He gives them a solemn caution against apostacy, enforced by Esau's fearful example. Looking diligently, watching over each other with holy jealousy, lest any man fail of the grace of God, and apostatize from the faith; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled, seduced by their heresies, or perverted by their ill examples: lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birth-right, to be the progenitor of the great Messiah, despising the sacred as well as civil privileges which were annexed thereto; and his punishment was suited to his crime, for ye know how that afterward, when he would have inherited the blessing, and prevailed upon his father to retract what he had given to Jacob, he was rejected by him, for he found no place of repentance, nor would Isaac change his mind or reverse his word, though he sought it carefully with tears. Note; (1.) Apostates from the truth are the most dangerous enemies, and bitter opposers. (2.) Many, for the gratification of a bestial appetite, have, like Esau, renounced their sacred birth-right, and too late will they rue their sin and folly.
3rdly, To guard the Hebrews particularly from revolting back to Judaism, he sets before them the excellence of the gospel church and worship above the Judaical.
1. He reminds them of that dispensation of terror and bondage from which they had been delivered. For ye are not come unto the mount that might be touched, which was a palpable earthly substance, and not like the spiritual Zion, and that burned with fire, when God in terrible pomp descended thereon; nor unto blackness and darkness, which covered that typical dispensation; and tempest, emblematical of the storms of wrath which hang over the heads of the transgressors; and the sound of a trumpet, which with louder and still louder blasts spread terrible dismay throughout the hosts of Israel; and the voice of words, in the most awful manner articulately pronouncing the ten commandments; which voice they that heard, entreated that the word should not be spoken to them any more; so terrified were they at it, and begged that Moses might be their mediator, and that through him they might receive the revelation of the divine will: (for they could not endure that which was commanded, so unable did they think themselves to answer the demands of these laws, and dreaded their awful sanction; particularly that fearful edict, And if so much as a beast touch the mountain, during the time that the Divine Presence is there manifested, it shall be stoned, or thrust through with a dart. And so terrible was the sight, that Moses himself said, I exceedingly fear and quake,) so dark and terrible was that dispensation under which they had been held; and this should with hearty eagerness engage them to receive and hold fast that milder, brighter, spiritual dispensation of gospel grace, when God, without one terror spread around him, invited poor sinners, through his dear Son, to approach his throne and live. This more glorious state the apostle,
2. Describes. But ye are come unto mount Sion, the spiritual gospel church, where God, well pleased, takes up his blest abode, and accepts the worship and service there performed; and unto the city of the living God, built on Christ the foundation, and blest with the most transcendent privileges; the heavenly Jerusalem, where all the inhabitants are spiritualized in temper and affections, and made meet for their eternal mansions in glory; and to an innumerable company of angels, your fellow-servants, who minister unto the heirs of salvation; to the general assembly and church of the first-born which are written in heaven, the noble army of saints triumphant in glory; and to God the Judge of all; who on the great day shall judge the world by him to whom all judgment is committed, and to whom you are now reconciled in the Son of his love; and to the spirits of just men made perfect, now entered into their eternal rest, with whom you maintain communion, as influenced by the same Spirit, justified by the same Blood, members of the same body, pursuing the same end, and longing to join their services in the immediate presence of God and the Lamb; and to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant, through whom all these invaluable privileges and blessings are derived down to us; and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel: his blood cried for vengeance, but the Blood which Jesus shed, sprinkled by faith upon our consciences, speaks peace and blessedness: as it infinitely exceeds in excellence that of Abel's sacrifice, much more shall it obtain acceptance and favour with God for all those, who, sprinkled therewith, boldly appear in the presence of the Most High and Most Holy.
3. From these considerations he proceeds to exhort them to take heed to themselves. See that ye refuse not him that speaketh in the gospel: for if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, even Moses who delivered the sacred oracles of the law to the people, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven, that Lord of life and glory who came down from heaven, and is returned thither again; and by the inspiration of his Spirit, which in such an astonishing manner he hath sent from thence, speaks now in his gospel word: whose voice then shook the earth, when Sinai trembled at his presence: but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven, the Jewish church, with all their civil and ecclesiastical polity. And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, not for a perpetuity, but for a while only, as was the case of the Jewish tabernacle and economy; that those things which cannot be shaken may remain, and that the gospel church, worship, and privileges, may endure unalterable unto the end of time. Wherefore, we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, and by faith admitted to a participation of the privileges of that kingdom of gospel grace, which will issue shortly to the faithful in a kingdom of glory, let us remember, esteem, and value our distinguished mercies, and have grace to hold fast the doctrine of truth, and beg a more abundant measure of the Spirit, whereby we may serve God acceptably, through Jesus Christ, with reverence and godly fear, under a sense of our own unworthiness. For our God is a consuming fire, and will execute fearful vengeance on every apostate from the faith and practice of the gospel. Note; (1.) Constant worship and waiting upon God, is the appointed way wherein he hath promised to bestow on us the grace which can enable us to serve him acceptably. (2.) The fire of eternal vengeance will assuredly light down upon the apostate and impenitent soul.