And Ephraim, &c.— Houbigant renders the verse thus, Ephraim is a heifer, accustomed to tread out the corn, which she loves; but I will submit her neck to the yoke: I will tame Ephraim. Judah shall plough for himself; Jacob for himself shall break up the ground; as much as to say, "Ephraim loves treading out the corn, as opposed to ploughing;" that is to say, loves the booty not gained by his own labour; or to tread out, and freely eat of the corn, which is not its own; because the mouth of the ox which treadeth out the corn was not bound up. Israel very frequently made great depredations upon Judah: and as this heifer loved to tread out the corn, and not to plough, it is therefore added, that he should be made to plough;—put under the yoke; namely, that of the Assyrians. What is added, Judah and Jacob shall plough for themselves, means that Judah shall not now plough for Israel, but for himself; as Israel shall no more make depredations upon him.

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