Though thou, Israel, &c.— Here a transition is made, with great elegance and animation, from the general subject of the whole people, in both its branches, to the kingdom of the ten tribes in particular. "Whatever the obstinacy of the house of Israel may be in her corruptions, at least let Judah keep herself pure. Let her not join in the idolatrous worship at Gilgal or Beth-aven, or mix idolatry with the profession of the true religion. As for Israel, I give her up to a reprobate mind." Then the discourse passes naturally into the detail and amplification of Israel's guilt.

Come not ye unto Gilgal Gilgal was remarkable for the renewal of the rite of circumcision, when the Israelites first passed over Jordan; and after Jeroboam set up idolatry, it was famous for the worship of false gods. It is joined with Beth-el, called here Beth-aven, where Jereboam's calves were worshipped. Beth-el signifies the house of God, and was so called by Jacob upon God's appearing, to him there. But when it became the seat of idolatry, it was called Beth-aven, or the house of vanity. See Lowth, and Calmet.

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