Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, &c.— We have in the two first verses the fourth fault, and in the third and fourth the punishment. The fault complained of is, the injustice and the iniquity of the judges; and the punishment assigned is, that they should be absolutely deserted and deprived of all help and defence from God, whose laws they have so shamefully perverted; and shall miserably perish before their enemies, who shall come from far. Lowth renders the second clause of the first verse, Unto the scribes that prescribe oppression: and, Isaiah 10:3 instead of leave your glory, he reads, deposit your wealth. See Hosea 9:11. The meaning is, "To whom will you commit, as a trust or deposit, your most precious things, your riches, honour, liberty, religion, when God is become your enemy? Who shall be your protection and defence?" To which he answers in the next verse, Without me, every one shall bow down among them that are bound; [i.e. shall commence prisoners;] and they shall fall among the slain. The meaning is, "Without my aid, and when I desert you, you shall all bow under the yoke, and either become slaves or fall by the sword of the Assyrians." See chap. Isaiah 65:12 and Vitringa.

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