The noise of a multitude, &c.— The prophet here relates three things, the sudden effects of the divine command; first, the collection and congregation which God had destined to execute his judgments. There is a noise of tumult in the mountains; the appearance of much people; the voice of the tumult of the kingdoms of nations gathered together. No sooner had the Almighty given the command, than the multitude assembles to his banners. Secondly, We have this army disposed in order, and reviewed by its supreme general; The Lord of hosts mustereth, or revieweth the host of the battle: Thirdly, The motion and expedition of this army, immediately accoutred for the march against Babylon: They march from a far country, from the extremity of the heavens; even JEHOVAH, and the instruments of his wrath to destroy this whole land. See Jeremiah 50:25. Media is called a far country, &c. in the usual style of Scripture for any distant place; chap. Isaiah 5:26. Bishop Newton observes it was foretold, that various nations should unite against Babylon; that they should come from a far country; and that among others they should be the kingdoms of Ararat, Minni, and Aschenaz. Jeremiah 51:27 that is the Armenians, Phrygians, and other nations; and accordingly Cyrus's army consisted of various nations besides Medes and Persians, among whom were those very people whom he had conquered before, and obliged to attend him in this expedition.

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