Therefore, &c.— What other effect could the premonition concerning the approach of such formidable enemies produce, than consternation and dismay? So the prophet informs us, eloquently describing in this period the consternation of the Babylonians upon the report of the expedition undertaken against them. This is the general meaning of the figurative expressions made use of in these verses, which are all of easy explication. See Jeremiah 50:43.Deuteronomy 20:8. Psalms 48:6. Jeremiah 49:24. The last phrase, which is literally, Every one is astonished at another, with inflamed face, or their faces are of flames, signifies that through the agitation of their passions, their faces were kindled as it were into flames, and bespoke the fear and anguish of their minds; each looking upon the other with a face glowing as scarlet, his mind in the utmost perturbation through anxiety and despair. The reader cannot but remark the strength and elegance of the expression. See Vitringa.

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