At that day, &c.— The meaning of these verses, which express the consequence of this judgment, is, that at the time when God should execute these severe judgments upon the Ephraimites, some, after they have clearly known by experience, that they have been deceived by their false prophets, and that their worship of idols has turned out as the true prophets foretold, shall turn themselves by sincere repentance to the God of their fathers, and, abjuring the errors of former times, shall worship God in true faith. History confirms this interpretation; see 2 Chronicles 30:11; 2 Chronicles 34:9. The phrase of looking to his Maker, which is emphatical and strong, is explained by parallel passages, chap. Isaiah 31:1.Psalms 34:5. Zechariah 12:10 compared with John 3:14. The fountain from which every act of true religion flows, is a respect to God; a looking to him in faith, with confidence and love, and the utmost self-humiliation. Vitringa renders the last words, Either the images, or the solar statutes.

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