The doleful judgments of God upon the land. A remnant will joyfully praise him. God in his judgments shall advance his kingdom.

Before Christ 715.

THE third book of the prophesies of Isaiah, beginning with this chapter, and extending to the 36th, is divided into three discourses. The FIRST, contained in chap. 24-27. consists of a proposition, wherein is set forth the severe judgments of God upon a corrupt church, and the professed enemies of the true religion, chap. 24. And of the declaration of that proposition; consisting, first, of a twofold doxology, chap. Isaiah 25-26 and secondly, of a prophesy, chap. 27. The SECOND discourse, directed against the Ephraimites and Jews, is divided into three sections: the first respects both the Ephraimites and Jews, chap. 28, the second the Jews at Jerusalem, chap. 29, the third sets forth the fate of each nation, looking to Egypt for help, Isaiah 30—33. The THIRD discourse repeats, and more distinctly relates, the divine sentence against the nations and the prosecutors of the church, and the benefits of grace for the faithful, Isaiah 34-35.

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