For behold, the Lord, &c.— The prophet had, in the preceding chapter, declared in general the terror of the day of the Lord. He now descends to a more particular explication of it. The connecting particle for, in this verse, evidently shews its connection with what has preceded. We have in this prophecy, first, a general proposition, in which God denounces that he will deprive the Jews of all protection; in this verse:—Secondly, a declaration of the particulars of this calamity, such as, a want of provision;—at the end of this verse: A deprivation of all desirable and proper human protection; Isaiah 3:2. A substitution of a protection inadequate to their wants, Isaiah 3:4 a dissolution of all order, and total confusion of their polity, Isaiah 3:5. This prediction also refers to the destruction of Jerusalem by the Chaldees. See Joel 1:1 and Jeremiah 14:1; Jeremiah 14:22; Jeremiah 37:21; Jeremiah 38:9.

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