Hear, ye that are far off— This period is immediately connected with that preceding; wherein the divine judgment just mentioned is celebrated, and its severity defended against those hypocrites who misinterpreted it. The prophet, using still the same figure, adapts words to God agreeable to the present circumstance. He supposes that God had now executed that judgment upon his enemies, which in the words preceding he had said that he would execute. Here, therefore, as the order required, he introduces God; first, as inviting the people near and afar off, Jews and Gentiles, wisely to consider this display of the divine judgment, that they might either be brought to a belief in the truth of God, or might be confirmed in that truth, and learn in future wholly to confide in it, Isaiah 33:13. And secondly, as defending this judgment against the murmurs and whispers of hypocrites who maliciously traduced it: Isaiah 33:14, &c. For they said, that these remarkable judgments afforded not an argument for men to desire communion with this God; but on the contrary deterred from such communion: for who could seek and love a God whose severity was so great, whose punishments so rigid? Who would not rather fly from and abhor him? for he was a devouring fire, whom it was not wise to approach, if we wished to avoid destruction. The prophet, in the name of God himself, to give the greater weight to his words, refutes these calumnies. He teaches, that God is not terrible but to the wicked, to men of corrupt minds and consciences; that he is thoroughly amiable to the just and good; for that he loves from his own nature truth and holiness and virtue, and will reward them most amply. Such men may pass unhurt in the nearest communion with God; they may be cherished, purified, inflamed by God, as a fire, to the love of his perfection, and be, as it were, changed into the substance of the like purity, and yet not consumed; nay, God is to them that seek him a rock of defence; he is their security and protection, as well as the gracious supplier of all necessaries, to their present being and comfort, and their future happiness. This is the sum of the present passage; which however, in a mystical sense, may undoubtedly refer to the terrors of that future and devouring fire prepared for the sinners and hypocrites in Sion; as may the 15th and 16th verses to the future blessedness of those who obey the commandments of their God.

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