Coke's Commentary on the Holy Bible
Isaiah 38:21
For Isaiah had said, &c.— Now Isaiah had said. "It seems to me extremely probable, (says Dr. Mead,) that the king's disease was a fever, which terminated in an abscess: for, in cases of this kind, those things are always proper which promote suppuration, especially digestive and resolving cataplasms, and dried figs are excellent for this intention. Thus the Omnipotent, who could remove this distemper by his word alone, chose to do it by the effect of natural remedies. And here we have a useful lesson given us in adversities, not to neglect the use of those things which the bountiful Creator has bestowed upon us; and at the same time to add our fervent prayers, that he would be graciously pleased to prosper our endeavours." We may add further, that though it be admitted that a roasted fig, with white sugar powdered, be at this time used, and found to be a suppurative for a plague-boil, yet this will not lessen the reality of the miraculous interposition of Jehovah; because, in the present use, the work of suppuration is gradual and progressive; but the cure wrought on the application to Hezekiah was instantaneous. See Mead's Medica Sacra, and the Philosophical Transactions, vol. 47: p. 387.
REFLECTIONS.—1st, To what has been observed before on the subject of this chapter, we may add,
1. That, since death is the common lot, it is our duty, before it approaches, to provide for it, both by a settlement of all our worldly concerns, that they may not at that time occupy our thoughts; and more especially by such a daily dying to the world and every thing temporal, as may make the day of our removal neither unexpected nor unacceptable.
2. In every situation, sick, afflicted, or tempted, prayer is the great relief. It is the heart's ease to unbosom ourselves to God.
3. It will be a comfort in every calamity, and a joy in the hour of death, to have our conscience bear us witness in the Holy Ghost, that in simplicity and godly sincerity we have had our conversation in the world.
4. God regards every tear which falls from the eye of his mourners, and will give them quickly the garments of praise for the spirit of heaviness.
5. The prosperity promised to Zion was better to Hezekiah than the restoration of his health; as the welfare of the church, and the interests of the Redeemer's kingdom, are ever dearer to the faithful, than any other concern, merely relative to themselves.
6. One miracle served to confirm Hezekiah's faith; we have seen the glorious Redeemer work innumerable: and shall we distrust him?
2nd, In grateful acknowledgment of the divine mercy shewn him in his recovery, Hezekiah composed his sacred thanksgiving; and such memorials are not only profitable to keep alive our own gratitude, but stand as monuments of God's mercy, and an encouragement to trust him for future generations. We have,
1. The desperateness of his case. I said in the cutting off of my days, I shall go to the gates of the grave; though in the prime of life, he saw the gates of the grave open to receive him: I am deprived of the residue of my years, which, in the course of nature, he might have expected to have lived; but his grief was more that he was removed in the midst of his usefulness, than in the midst of his days. I said, I shall not see the Lord, even the Lord in the land of the living; no more frequent the courts of his house, and join in the ordinances of his worship, encouraging by his example the piety of his people. I shall behold man no more with the inhabitants of the world, be no longer able to serve the interests of God among his subjects, or be the instrument of advancing their reformation and happiness; and also no more enjoy the company of those near and dear to him, with whom, in the house of God, he used to hold sweet communion. Mine age is departed, and is removed from me as a shepherd's tent, or my habitation; the tabernacle of his body, ready to return to dust, is quickly and as easily removed as the shepherd's tent. I have cut off like a weaver my life, who, when his piece is finished, cuts it out of the loom; and his sins might be regarded by him as the cause of his days being shortened. He will cut me off with a pining sickness, or from the thrum, alluding to the metaphor of the weaver, and acknowledging the hand of God in the affliction, in whose hands are life and death. I reckoned till morning, or, set my time till morning, concluding it impossible longer to survive; that as a lion, so will he, or it, break all my bones; the Lord's afflicting hand, or his disease, the pains of which were as acute as if he had been torn and gnawed by a lion. From day even to night wilt thou make an end of me; though beyond expectation he saw the light of another day, he had no hopes of seeing a third. Note; (1.) When we are in distress, we are too apt to sink into despondence. (2.) A solicitude for God's glory, and his interest among men, is the only truly laudable motive which can make a good man prefer a continuance in the body to a departure to his Lord. (3.) The gates of the grave stand open day and night; it becomes us frequently to think of passing through them. (4.) Our most settled abode here is but as a poor shepherd's tent, and our passage through time swift as the weaver's shuttle: it should, therefore, awaken our solicitude to secure a more durable mansion, that when the days of time are cut off, we may be enabled with joy to step forward into eternity.
2. His fervent prayer in his distress. Like a crane or a swallow, so did I chatter; sometimes aloud, in extremity of pain; sometimes low, worn out with anguish, or so interrupted and broken were his prayers, through the torment he endured. I did mourn as a dove, bemoaning himself over his transgressions: mine eyes fail with looking upward; ready to close in death, despairing of relief. O Lord, I am oppressed, or it oppresseth me, my disease: undertake for me, to pluck me from the bars of the pit; or it may be rendered, I have no righteousness; be surety for me; as containing his humble confession, and his dependance for pardoning grace on that Redeemer, who, in the fullness of time, should be his people's surety. Note; (1.) Nothing can make a dying-bed easy, but confidence in the sufficiency of our divine Surety to undertake for us in the great day. (2.) Till our eyes are closed, our lips ought not to be silent; yea, when our tongue can no longer perform its office, to this dear Redeemer should our soul aspire, till we breathe it forth into his bosom.
3. His grateful acknowledgments. What shall I say? where words are wanting to express the gratitude I feel. He hath both spoken unto me, and himself hath done it: sure is every word of his promise, and now by experience he can bear testimony thereto. I shall go softly all my years in the bitterness of my soul; meditating upon the mercies received, and ashamed of his own sinful distrust: or the words may be rendered, I shall go cheerfully all my years, after the bitterness of my soul; the storm blown over, peace and prosperity shall crown all the years that God doth prolong. O Lord, by these things men live; by the word of divine promise, and the gracious providence of God: and in all these things is the life of my spirit; the power, providence, and grace of God, appearing thus wonderfully for him, gave renewed life to his soul as well as his body, filling him with faith, and love, and joy. He instances several particulars which call for especial praise.
[1.] His recovery: So wilt thou recover me, and make me to live; or so hast thou recovered me, and made me to live; and every new life bestowed justly calls on us to adore the gracious giver.
[2.] The pleasing contrast of ease for pain, health for sickness. Behold, for peace I had great bitterness: or, as it may be rendered, behold, into peace hath he changed my great bitterness.
[3.] The love of God seen in his case made the mercy unspeakably sweeter and more endeared to him. Thou hast, in love to my soul, delivered it from the pit of corruption, the grave: or, with tender love thou hast embraced my soul, from the pit of corruption; snatching me from it, as a tender parent, when I was rushing into the horrible pit. Note; Health restored is doubly pleasing, when we can see that it is in love to our souls.
[4.] His sins pardoned, fully and freely: for thou hast cast all my sins behind thy back. And herein every believing soul is called upon to join the thanksgiving of this pious king; for, (1.) Our souls and bodies, by reason of sin original and actual, in heart and life, are forfeited, and ready to fall into the bottomless pit of eternal perdition. (2.) The transcendently rich and gracious love of God in Christ Jesus hath interposed to pluck us from ruin, and to this alone we are indebted. (3.) All the bitterness which a sense of guilt and danger awakens in the conscience, God's love removes, and fills the soul, O blessed change! with joy and peace in believing.
4. His resolution to continue himself, and excite others to join him, in this constant and delightful work of praise: For the grave cannot praise thee, death cannot celebrate thee: silence there reigns; no grateful songs ascend from the dust, and no more service can be rendered to God's interests here below, by those who are departed. They that go down into the pit cannot hope for thy truth; there God can be no longer glorified by faith or hope in his promises; but the living, the living, he shall praise thee, as I do this day: those whose bodily lives are through mercy renewed, and their souls spiritually alive also, these would join him in God's praise. The father to the children shall make known thy truth; transmitting to posterity the memorial of God's faithfulness, to encourage their trust, and awaken their gratitude. The Lord was ready to save me; instant as I called, relief appeared: therefore we will sing my songs to the stringed instruments all the days of our life; I, and all the faithful rejoicing in my mercies, will render the ceaseless tribute of our songs in the house of the Lord. Note; (1.) Since in the grave we can no more glorify God, what now our hand findeth to do for him, let us do it with our might. (2.) Who shall praise him, if they do not who have been recovered from going down to the pit? (3.) While life and breath endure, so long should our praises last, and then we shall go where they will never end. (4.) Godly parents will not fail to transmit to their children the memorial of their father's mercies, and to encourage them to trust in the same promises which themselves have proved so faithful.
5. At the close of this history it is remarked, as in Exodus 20:7 that the sign was given at Hezekiah's request; and a lump of figs, at Isaiah's command, laid on the boil, either as a means to procure his recovery, or as a sign to assure him of it. Note; (1.) Though in sickness our dependance must not be on the medicines, yet we are to trust God in the use of means. (2.) The great comfort of health is, ability to attend on God's worship, and be employed actively in his service; and this is the great end for which a good man wishes to live.