Fear not, thou worm Jacob— We have here a new consolatory exhortation; which I refer, says Vitringa, to the people of Christ, mean, afflicted, despised, such as they were at the very commencement of the kingdom of Christ among the Jews. The disposition of the prophet's discourse leads us to this; for he begins with a new title, and promises a new blessing to the afflicted people. The prophet passes from the afflicted church of the Maccabees to the apostolic; between which there is often so close a connection, that what is said of the Maccabees in the letter, is to be understood of the apostles and evangelists in the spirit. Our Lord, in his discourse to his disciples, Luke 12:32 seems to refer to this passage: which contains an address to the afflicted church, agreeable to its state, with an exhortation to confidence, Isaiah 41:14. The reason of that exhortation, drawn first from the present help of God, as the redeemer of his church,—middle of Isaiah 41:14. Secondly, from a certain remarkable effect of the divine aid, which should exceed all human expectation, Isaiah 41:15.—where the ideas are taken from the threshing instruments, and the mode of threshing made use of in the east, whereof we have already spoken; and the meaning is, that this afflicted and despised people should not only stand against their adversaries supported by the strength of the world; should not only sustain their violence, but, assisted by the divine grace, should obtain the inheritance of the world; should subject great and mighty nations to their King and Lord; and in that very way and respect wherein they were enemies to the kingdom of God, should beat them down, and reduce them to nothing. See 2 Corinthians 10:4. This prophesy, we think, has not yet obtained its FULL completion.

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