Who raised up the righteous man, &c.— Who hath raised up the righteous man from the east; hath called him to attend his steps? Hath subdued nations at his presence; and given him dominion over kings? Hath made them like the dust before his sword; and like the driven stubble before his bow? He pursueth them; he passeth in safety; by a way never trodden before with his feet. Who hath performed, and made these things, calling the several generations from the beginning? I JEHOVAH, the first; and with the last, I am the same. Lowth. Every one sees that these words are so connected with the preceding as to contain the argument urged by God in proof of his divinity. The argument is taken from a certain great work and effect of the divine Providence, well known to those with whom the dispute is held: which effect appearing to be a divine work, and not possible to be ascribed to any other cause than the God of Israel, abundantly evinces that the honour of true divinity belongs to him and him only. This great work of the divine Providence is the raising up of a certain illustrious person from the east, celebrated for his justice, equity, and prosperity; who waged remarkable wars, conquered his enemies, and did other extraordinary things here understood. All these attributes exactly belonged to Cyrus; and there can be no doubt that he is here meant, from a comparison of the following passages in our prophet; Isaiah 41:25; chap. Isaiah 45:1; Isaiah 45:13 and Isaiah 46:11 which supply the place of a comment. See Vitringa. We may just remark, that the prophet here, as is very usual, speaks of the future in the past tense.

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