They that make a graven image— They that form the graven image are all of them vanity; and their most curious works shall not profit. Yea, their works themselves bear witness to them, that they see not and that they understand not: Isaiah 44:10 that every one may be ashamed, that he hath formed a god, &c. Lowth. The prophet (still making God the speaker) passes to the other part of his reproof; wherein he sets forth at large the folly and madness of idolatry. His discourse may be divided into a proposition, Isaiah 44:9 and the enarration of that proposition, Isaiah 44:12. The whole is elegant, and easy to be understood. It should only be remembered, for the better comprehending its general meaning, that the prophet here refers particularly to the graven images and idols of Babylon; and indeed the whole scene of the discourse should be placed in Babylon; as appears from the context, the 25th verse of this chapter, chap. Isaiah 45:20 and Isaiah 46:1, &c. The 11th verse may be read, Behold, all that apply, or adhere to it, shall be ashamed, &c.

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