Yea, thou heardest not— These words may be taken in two senses; namely, as a confirmation of what is said in the preceding verse, that the Jews had no knowledge of these new things revealed to them before the revelation made by Isaiah: or, as containing a conviction of the inconsideration, incredulity, and prejudices of the Jewish people; who, notwithstanding the prophesies so clearly fulfilled among them, had neither duly attended to them, nor considered them, nor become obedient to God; which, he observes, was nothing strange, since this people, from the first time of their adoption, from their deliverance out of Egypt, which was as it were their birth, had been full of perfidy and transgression; and this, says Vitringa, appears to me to be the true sense of the passage. The words may be read, Yea, thou heardest not, yea, thou knewest not; neither did thine ear from that time open.

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