And the Lord saw it, &c.— The eighth section is comprised in the remainder of this chapter; wherein we have, first, the most afflicted state of the church, destitute of all human help, Isaiah 59:15.—middle of 16 secondly, the deliverance to be procured for it by the Son of God, its protector and avenger; where, first, the deliverer of the church is described as a hero, completely armed to take vengeance; middle of Isaiah 59:16 secondly, the vengeance itself to be executed by him, and the manner of it, Isaiah 59:18 thirdly, the joyful consequences of this deliverance. First, the conversion of the Gentiles, from east to west, Isaiah 59:19 secondly, the destruction of other enemies, who should oppose the church; middle of Isaiah 59:19 thirdly, the conversion of the Jews to their Redeemer in repentance and faith, Isaiah 59:20 fourthly, we have the foundation and seal of this benefit; Isaiah 59:21. See ch. Isaiah 63:5. St. Paul, in his epistle to the Ephesians, Ephesians 6:14 seems to have borrowed his ideas from the 17th verse of this chapter.

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