Coke's Commentary on the Holy Bible
Isaiah 63 - Introduction
Christ sheweth who he is, what his victory over his enemies, and what his mercy toward his church. In his just wrath he remembereth his free mercy. The church, in their prayer and complaint, profess their faith.
Before Christ 698.
THE fifth and last discourse of the fifth part of Isaiah's prophesies is contained in this and the following Chapter s. The present period serves for the illustration of chap. Isaiah 59:16 where the Messiah is introduced as a hero, completely armed, to bring salvation to his friends, and to punish his enemies. Vitringa comprises the first section of this discourse in the first six verses of this chapter; where we have, first, the hypothesis, or argument of the prophesy; a scenical view of a certain illustrious person, hero, and avenger, fresh from the slaughter of his enemies, Isaiah 63:1.; and secondly, an information of the person and state of this hero, by way of question and answer: the answer, unfolding the cause of the redness of his garment, namely, the vengeance which he had taken upon his enemies, is set forth, Isaiah 63:3 and explained more fully, Isaiah 63:4. We may just repeat an observation made before, that the prophesies in this latter part of the book are only explanatory of those in the great and important third discourse, from chap. 51: to 60: See on chap. 61: