Coke's Commentary on the Holy Bible
Isaiah 65 - Introduction
The calling of the Gentiles. The Jews, for their incredulity, idolatry, and hypocrisy, are rejected. A remnant will be saved. Judgments on the wicked, and blessings on the godly. The blessed state of the new Jerusalem.
Before Christ 698.
THIS chapter, containing the third section of the fifth discourse, may be divided into two parts; the FIRST part, defending the equity and justice of the ways of God, contains, first, an hypothesis preparatory to the conviction of those who presume to find fault; namely, the calling of the Gentiles to the communion of the church, Isaiah 65:1. Secondly, the first conviction of the Jewish nation follows, for their manifest apostacy from God: where we have their sins, of rejecting the divine calling, Isaiah 65:2 of infamous and detestable superstition, Isaiah 65:3 of intolerable hypocrisy, Isaiah 65:5. Then the punishment ordained for these crimes, Isaiah 65:6 together with the alleviation of this punishment in regard to the faithful, Isaiah 65:8. Thirdly, a second conviction, directed by way of apostrophe to the impenitent and disobedient: where, 1 their crimes are set forth, particularly their idolatry, Isaiah 65:11 then the punishment determined for those crimes, is mentioned absolutely, Isaiah 65:12 and relatively to the true worshippers of God, Isaiah 65:13. In the SECOND part, which is consolatory, we have first a general promise concerning the faith of the true God to be received every where, and the condition of the new heavens and the new earth, Isaiah 65:16 secondly, the special blessings which the church should enjoy at this time: first, pure joy, disturbed by no evils or mourning, Isaiah 65:18 secondly, longevity, Isaiah 65:20 thirdly, a secure possession of all those blessings, Isaiah 65:21 fourthly, an intimate communion between heaven and earth, Isaiah 65:24 and lastly, a demolition of the power and malice of Satan and his agents, Isaiah 65:25. There can be no doubt that this section, like those preceding, refers to that future and glorious state of the church, which from this and other similar prophesies we have reason to expect after the conversion of the Jews.