He that killeth an ox, &c.— God here shews, that the external ritual worship offered to him by hypocrites and wicked persons, void of faith and holiness, was no more estimable in his sight, than the material temple above spoken of; but that he was as much offended by the ritual worship of the impure, as by the most grievous crimes perpetrated against the immediate commands of the law, and particularly under the new oeconomy, after the promulgation of the law of liberty, and the perfect and true sacrifice offered by his Son, to expiate the sins of the world. The sentence may be supplied, He who killeth an ox, [with the dispositions above mentioned] is [esteemed guilty of as great a crime in the sight of God] as he who killeth a man. As if he cut off a dog's neck, means, in order to sacrifice it. This animal was held in the greatest abhorrence by the Jews; insomuch, that the very price of a dog was forbidden to be brought into the house of the Lord. See Deuteronomy 23:18. As if he blessed an idol, means, as if he hououred an idol with gifts and presents. See Vitringa.

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