Before she travailed, &c.— Another consolatory argument is here urged, to those who reverence the word of Jehovah, who form the true Sion, taken from the sudden and wonderful increase of the church among the Gentiles, superior to all human thoughts and expectation; for from the 9th and 11th verses it appears abundantly, that these words are thus connected with the context. Isaiah in the former section had done two things; first, predicted the call of the Gentiles; and then the punishment of those who rejected the Gospel. In this section, after he had repeated the indignation conceived by God against the hypocrites and rejectors of the Gospel, he in the same manner consoles the pious Jews, from the unexpected event of the wonderful success of the calling of the Gentiles, who, joined with them in one body, should form one church, and inherit the earth. The metaphor here used, is very frequent in the Scripture, and very easily understood in the present passage; which is illustrated sufficiently by the following verses.

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