Superfluity of naughtiness— Vicious superfluity; every vice, and especiallyworldly cares or desires: these, if allowed in the mind, will, as weeds, choke up the good seed; which is the same as the engrafted word, immediately following. The word of God is frequently compared to a seed, or plant; particularly 1 Peter 1:23. 1 John 3:9.—In which sense it is here said to be εμφυτος, engrafted, or implanted in their minds. Ministers are said φυτευειν, to plant this word, 1 Corinthians 3:6 which bringeth forth fruit: Colossians 1:6. Mark 4:7. Further, as in the Greek writers, the word εμφυτον sometimes denotes what is innate, and sometimes what is thoroughly implanted or fixed in the mind; so here it implies, that the heavenly doctrine not only enters into the ears, but is so implanted in the soul by Divine grace, as to become, as it were, a second nature. Meekness in this verse stands opposed to wrath, condemned in James 1:19. See Parkhurst on the word Εμφυτος.

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