When he uttereth his voice, &c.— "When the Almighty utters his voice, or sends his thunders abroad, the clouds immediately precipitate in torrents of rain; and as God causes the vapours to ascend in clouds from every quarter of the earth, so he joins two contrary things together; ordaining great flashes of lightning to break forth with the rain; the latter by its moisture preventing the ill effects which might result from the scorching heat of the former," See Psalms 29:3; Psalms 29:11; Psalms 135:7 and the note. In Job, mention is made of the treasures of the snow and hail, chap. Jeremiah 38:22. Virgil, by a figure very similar to this, describes AEolus as keeping the winds and storms confined in caves:

———whose tyrant binds The blust'ring tempests, and reluctant winds: Their rage imperial Eolus restrains With rocky dungeons, and enormous chains. AEN. I. ver. 52.

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