Now Pashur, the son of Immer— Pashur was not the immediate son of Immer, but of Melchiah, as it is expressly mentioned in 1 Chronicles 9:12 and hereafter, chap. Jeremiah 21:1. Immer was one of his predecessors, and head of the sixteenth sacerdotal class; 1 Chronicles 24:14. Pashur was not high-priest, as some of the ancients have thought, but captain or overseer of the temple. In this capacity, he had power to arrest and put in prison the false prophets, and those who caused any disturbance in the temple. This appears from what Shemaiah afterwards is said to have written to Zephaniah, the son of Maaseiah, who had the same post under king Zedekiah, as Pashur, chap. Jeremiah 29:25 namely, that the Lord had appointed him head or overseer of his house, in the place of Jehoiada, that he might arrest and imprison all who reigned themselves to be men inspired, and prophets. Under the reign of Josiah, Hilkiah exercised the high-priesthood; 2 Kings 22:4; 2 Kings 22:8; Exodus 22:10; 2 Kings 23:4; 2 Kings 23:24. 2 Chronicles 24:14 so that Pashur was not high-priest. In the temple, as in the palace of a great prime, there were the same officers, the same order, the same service in proportion, as was observed in the court of the kings of Judah. The overseer of the temple is the same with those who are so often called chief-priests in the Gospel. Matthew 26:47; Matthew 26:75.Luke 22:4; Luke 22:71. This chapter is a continuation of the foregoing. Pashur thought that Jeremiah's discourse, which spoke too plainly of the overthrow of Jerusalem, and of the miseries which should befal it, deserved that he should be arrested and put in irons, to hinder him from speaking thus freely; and accordingly he treats him as they treated the false prophets. See Calmet.

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